Emi : Writing

Love and Technology Never Mix

Love and Technology Never Mix

A Poem by Emi

You build up a mechanical defense to life, and it will corrode away.
Find Someone

Find Someone

A Poem by Emi

You have to find that person that appreciates you.
Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I Wonder

A Poem by Emi

I was once watching the movie Her, and the monologue sparked a lovey poem.
The Heart

The Heart

A Poem by Emi

One of the shortest poems I've ever written. Trying to gain someone's trust is hard.


A Poem by Emi

I apologize for how repetitive this is. It's kind of supposed to be in order to make a point.
Deep Tree Metaphors

Deep Tree Metaphors

A Poem by Emi

I have this habit of using really weird metaphors to describe things, so this is me making fun of myself for it.


A Poem by Emi

My house got repossessed when I was about 8. It's okay now, but I can still get into that same head space pretty easily. I was also really sappy, even..
The Hypocrisy of Man

The Hypocrisy of Man

A Poem by Emi

Yes, I am a raging feminist. I also really hate double standards.
Song of the Heart

Song of the Heart

A Poem by Emi

Breakups suck and I'm oftentimes dramatic in my writing, especially when I was younger.
I Found Myself

I Found Myself

A Poem by Emi

I once heard a quote that went something like "Don't kill yourself, kill the things you don't like about yourself." And that inspired this. Killing of..