Emily B : Writing

Banging a Drum: words from sacred spaces

Banging a Drum: words from sacred spaces

A Story by Emily B

announcing an anthology by John Stirneman aka John BOngo aka left hand smoke shifter aka a true gentleman aka collodi or collecteye
text {and sub-text}

text {and sub-text}

A Poem by Emily B

a dream, maybe
an open conversation

an open conversation

A Poem by Emily B

feel free to join in
he's coming back this way

he's coming back this way

A Poem by Emily B

i awoke the other nightto the soundof a child cryingmama, mamai am scaredmy childis coming back to metravelling between worldsi wonderwherehe might la..


A Poem by Emily B

i went lookingfor a tree today.It had some letterscarvedonceupon a time.Beforethey werescratched outagain.Trees falland memoriesfail.I couldn'tbe sure..


A Poem by Emily B

she is notwhat she wasand notwhat she will beeitherthe butterfliesare stirringwanting to flyand soonwe will see their brightly coloredwingstriumphant
mad scramblings

mad scramblings

A Poem by Emily B

i am here nowi always love youtrying to think back to the voicethe one you said came to me the one that saidi could send magic to youmaybe i can send ..
learning about love

learning about love

A Poem by Emily B

sometimessomeone will comeout of the darknessto teach us somethingof singular importancei am gladi still have so muchto learn
i owe you an apology

i owe you an apology

A Poem by Emily B

might as well say it out loud
what is there to say?

what is there to say?

A Poem by Emily B

i used to be a prolific poetplacing words just sostacking them in cunning ways to get my point acrossmaybe i said every thingmaybe those old structure..