Emily B : Writing

tipping my hat

tipping my hat

A Poem by Emily B

Don't speak to me of dying. too many times I've watched Death amble by tipping his hat with a sly smile and a wink. Mentor me in living. Show me..
A Tale of Two Chickens

A Tale of Two Chickens

A Story by Emily B

a short story of local color


A Poem by Emily B

Those old stars still shine remembering how it felt when your soul and mine were one. Feeling your heart beat again after long ages-- stolen m..


A Poem by Emily B

Hills in my Voice Half-hidden hills in summer haze Call my name and question me. . . “Where have you been?” “Why have you..
rough work

rough work

A Poem by Emily B

You aren't the same man any more. Your mirror lies if the reflection you see hasn't changed. The weight of hard years lift..


A Poem by Emily B

Before I had words of my own I found myself in poems Or maybe I was lost. I drank them up Swimming through meter and rhyme. Intern..
digging deep

digging deep

A Poem by Emily B

those times when my roots stretch deep in barren soil searching I don't know if you could guess the urgency of my need the clouds whis..
The Dance

The Dance

A Poem by Emily B

You say you don't dance But I don't believe you. You sing lyrics to songs I don't know. Quoting circular snatches And I try to keep up but s..


A Poem by Emily B

an impulse, it should grow
chart a course

chart a course

A Poem by Emily B

too new