Emily B : Writing

Not Literally

Not Literally

A Poem by Emily B

The words write me describing the metaphor of my life. Similes surround me pigeon-holing me into conceits of literal understanding. Descriptions ..


A Poem by Emily B

I sacrifice myself on the seat of possibility but only when the wind blows strongest. I am born to serve. You never wonder that I am ..


A Poem by Emily B

an idea drawn from a conversation
back to the beginning

back to the beginning

A Poem by Emily B

In the ancient days we wandered through God's acres nearer the sublime than we ever imagined your smile was heaven to me
On Life and Laundry

On Life and Laundry

A Story by Emily B

I envy Sisyphus and his simple task rolling that stone up the hill. Piece of cake. Any woman who has the stamina to endure kids and cats and dogs and ..
we'll see

we'll see

A Poem by Emily B

I didn't ask for this and I may be nuts (most folks are kind enough not to notice) there could be something in what you say ..
Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

A Poem by Emily B

The first boy I loved had green eyes and big feet. We were young and knew more than the adults around us. Lives planned out--we thought we had al..


A Poem by Emily B

I still think I’d rather be a weed than any fancy flower. Let me grow offkilter from scattered seed up through cracked sidewalks..
Growth Charts

Growth Charts

A Story by Emily B

It occurred to me last night while I was picking blackberries, that I can age my daughter by her role in the blackberry picking. Some people have grow..
whiskey and words

whiskey and words

A Poem by Emily B

whiskey may be important, but i swear, i've gotten drunker on words than i ever did on bourbon and I never mix the two