Emily B : Writing

Looking for my Muse-Woman

Looking for my Muse-Woman

A Poem by Emily B

I have all these questions to ask herbut she flies away from the fence-lineand over the barnsI hear her calling in the early morning hoursbut I get no..
variation on an old theme

variation on an old theme

A Poem by Emily B

we have been-you and i-an entire lifetimetrying to get back towhat we were -before-Egos get in the way.Those flams Burn.I see all my sinsin you and ru..
not entirely original

not entirely original

A Poem by Emily B

but when inspiration is thin . . .


A Poem by Emily B

i don't hear the voiceson the other side of the line yetas a dispatch operator in trainingi only see the calls in queuemostly waiting for ems squadsto..
a continuing narrative

a continuing narrative

A Poem by Emily B

i am not sure exactly wherei left off in my storyi get calls to interview sometimesand they go well generallyi leave with a handshake and good intenti..
brighter days

brighter days

A Poem by Emily B

i keep some Prozac in my pursebut i don't use itunlessi have tolike when i haven'tleft the house in three daysand haven't cared to check my messagesan..
where to start

where to start

A Poem by Emily B

winter can be longwhen you are looking for a joband all the applications are submittedonline at McDonald's and you never ever hear anything backthe gu..
that bad day

that bad day

A Poem by Emily B

how do you tell somebodythat has lived with youfor twenty yearsthat having a bad daysaying those wordsdoesn't meanthat i stumped my toeor burnt the br..
morning visitation

morning visitation

A Poem by Emily B

I swear,I was laying in bed this morningminding my own business.Letting the children get themselves ready for schooland intenton falling back asleep f..


A Poem by Emily B

he saidsorry i can't talkdidn't mean to bethat wayabout itbut we can't haveany kindof relationshipand i thinkhe may be finallyat the end of this berea..