Emily B : Writing

changing places

changing places

A Poem by Emily B

because it has to go somewhere


A Poem by Emily B

collaboration with Radiance


A Poem by Emily B

growth is hard, it was something that he and i agreed on, there are periods of life that are so difficult, the ascension is the hardest occupation, st..


A Poem by Emily B

image by Ken Simm http://www.redbubble.com/people/Kenart
Almost Christmas in 1862 Kentucky

Almost Christmas in 1862 Kentucky

A Book by Emily B

another children's book
character sketch

character sketch

A Chapter by Emily B

going to use the original pages as a skeleton for a larger work
24 days till Christmas . . .

24 days till Christmas . . .

A Chapter by Emily B

starting over - there will be many revisions
23 Days Till Christmas . . .

23 Days Till Christmas . . .

A Chapter by Emily B

Dear Anna,Twenty three days until Christmas and nobody seems to have noticed yet. I try to leave as many hints as I can. Today we had a strange visito..
22 days until christmas

22 days until christmas

A Chapter by Emily B

Dear Anna,Today Mama said that I should learn how to spin. She said that when she was my age Granny had taught her how to spin the wool into yarn. She..
21 Days Til Christmas . . .

21 Days Til Christmas . . .

A Chapter by Emily B

Dear Anna,Finally! My family has started to show signs of noticing the season. Mama has begun to crochet a night cap for Granny out of the wool that I..