Emily B : Writing

Writing what I know

Writing what I know

A Poem by Emily B

Wandering throug the dusty halls of history, there are forests of papers that are written by men and about men. Women were there, too. And..
My place

My place

A Poem by Emily B

This is my place. It's small and plain. It's my place. Nobody wanted it but me. But with time and attention, it is a good place. F..
For Emma

For Emma

A Poem by Emily B

Just a little thing
Old bones

Old bones

A Poem by Emily B

My mother's old bones Perch on a seat by the door Guarding her hoard Of old relics And useless good Scavenged from her ancestors. Her eyes ar..
But maybe I'm not thankful

But maybe I'm not thankful

A Poem by Emily B

I haven't showered Or brushed my teeth. My internal voice Has been bombarding me With a to do list That I can't get Done. Clutter is noise..


A Poem by Emily B

Facebook just informed me That I have no memories Today. I've never had as many memories As nightmares There have always been Small and l..


A Poem by Emily B

Words are Chains Yokes Shackles I am too often Found bereft Missing The right answer But, oh, sometimes When the words Come and ..


A Poem by Emily B

My grandchild
Taking a walk

Taking a walk

A Poem by Emily B

Work was too mindless Today To keep my brain From running in circles So at lunch I took it for a walk Maple trees were waiting At the end..
My mother called

My mother called

A Poem by Emily B

Thinking out loud

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