Emily B

Emily B



Richmond, KY
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About Me

to the Lost Boys

I am no Wendy;
but my voice brings you back to me.
And you sit around my feet,
anxious for a story
or a kiss.

Listening to my words
spinning adventures,
like so much golden thread;
spellbound by my gentle whisper.

You are welcome to stay,
through spring rain
and autumn crisping,
though you still search
for someone with soft hands
and bountiful breast.

And when my gracious gifts spill over
from my full-grown lap,
you scoop them up with wondrous hands
and all the hunger
of a Lost Boy.


Emily is sewing, her threads kept
in a pale blue can
There is a cameo on the lid
in white, in profile
She is working with small pieces
that grow large and wander
out the kitchen window
Soon they scatter the neighborhood
which is so small that no one takes
They cross the mountains
into the cities, that pause,
in pleasure
There is a measure in the cloth
that they like
There is a voice somewhere
where the threads have worn soft
Emily has thrown away
some old patterns,
She has knotted the thread
with gentle teeth
She has pulled it tight
to make sure it will hold
Emily is sewing
with her luminous needle
Her eyes on alert
for dropped stitches.
--Phibby Venable


The older I get, the less I remember to filter the words that flow from my brain to my mouth. I move quickly from one thought to another or I linger too long on something that was said five minutes ago. If you find that I've left "the verb and the pronoun out" of some exchange between us. Let me know. I'll get it together and we'll have a pleasant conversation.


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Posted 2 Months Ago

Wishing you a blessed New Year! I was watching these cooking videos where a woman reenacts recipes from 200 years ago in a cabin equipped with the same sort of cooking utensils they used back then. I loved the videos. There's no talking at all, just her cooking. They reminded of you and your colonial reenactments.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Oh, sorry if my former note left you baffled. I submit Wallace Stevens for some tall words to read...;) Of course, if you're just slumming you can always visit my page. (laughing)

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Posted 1 Year Ago

So far, so good. But every day brings change. We just hope for the best.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

"In the green river, clear and warm, Suzanna lay. She searched the touch of springs and found concealed imaginings. She sighed for so much melody. Upon the bank, she stood, in the cool of spent emotions. She felt, among the leaves, the dew of old devotions." Wallace Stevens

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Posted 2 Years Ago

How's the mommy to be? Getting ready for that baby? Keep me posted.

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Posted 2 Years Ago

Woo hoo! A December baby! I'm a Sagittarius myself and have one daughter that is as well. My youngest is a Capricorn. But my little Capricorn is natured more like me than her sister. I am on the cusp though.

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Posted 2 Years Ago

How are you my friend? Is that new grandbaby here yet? I want to see pictures!

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Posted 2 Years Ago

Say you're going to be grandmother? Congratulations my friend. You're too young for that! (laughing) sending you love and best wishes.

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Posted 4 Years Ago

No reasons were ever given

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Posted 5 Years Ago

We are never too old to learn new things! Congratulations!!!!