Dave E.

Dave E.


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About Me

I have an addiction to instrument buying, especially guitars. I am starting to feel old, even though I'm not even 25, but in my defense I have two bad knees. Once upon a time I was going to be a music teacher, but now I'm looking for the next path. Thankfully I have a music degree and an English minor to keep me warm at night! However, I am surrounded by many people who provide the support that has sustained me. All this writing is dedicated to them (except for anything that is about guitars. That's for me).


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Ah i feel you man, both my ankles are messed! as is my back! hahah apparently i am accident prone! hahah and i am quite a bit younger than 25! hahah good old 19 lol. I am about to head off to bed, but when i get the chance i will be sure to read your work! it might be a week or two, i have midterms right now and papers to write... But be assured i will be back lol

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Posted 18 Years Ago

dude don't let me take your thunder with my $h1tty compliments! somehow all that flowery bs just dulls the spirit... i was looking for a spark. glad i found some discontent somewhere. :)