I hate being surrounded By pretty people.I am the odd girl out.I'm done being the ugly girlBut no one understands My pain.I know who I amAnd I am no o..
It resembles peace and shelter.My get away place.This is where I goWhen I feel sad or lonely.A place to release my wordsOn a blank innocent page.There..
How I wish he was mine.I crave to have his heartAnd keep it beside mine forever. If only he was sureBut he's not.I adore him and he knows.Yet, that st..
Two, sevenEight, fiveThese numbers mean nothing.Unless they mean somethingThen I must figure that out.They are all ages I have reached And passed.Thin..
I am hoping to find that placeWhere I can tell liesAnd endless dark secrets.I seek to help othersWhen they cry out at night.My instincts are sharpAnd ..
I am merely a speckIn this world.A simple glrlWho's better off being invisible to everyone.I am no symbolI have no meaningPeople just ignore my existe..