I Am Svetlana

I Am Svetlana


"When it's light look for rainbows, when it's dark look for stars."

Madison, WI
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

"If you cannot write well; you cannot think well; if you cannot think well, other's will do your thinking for you."
-Oscar Wilde

Hello all, my name is Emily Svetlana!

I am 30 years old and work in a local pop-up pet store.

I am a lesbian.

I love to read, listen to music, write.

I've been writing since I was 8 years old, but didn't become committed until 6th grade. The art itself sets me free & it's easier for me to write out what I say (it makes it easier for me to organize my thoughts) rather than try to talk face-to-face sometimes. I don't believe there is such a thing as "bad writing". If what you write didn't turn out how you expected, it's best to put away in a folder & go back to it when you figured out how to make it the way you imagined. There is always room for improvement & trust me, everyone sucks at writing when they first start out. In order to improve, just keep on writing. Just understand that each writer will have their share of writers block or times when their writing won't be perfect. No writer is "better" or "worse" than any other. We must accept that every writer has their own style.

I let life take it's course and wait for it to inspire me.


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Posted 7 Years Ago

Hey thought i would drop you a line miss talking with you, hopfully we can talk soon.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Hey girl! Have a good thanksgiving. I miss you!

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Posted 9 Years Ago

I am so happy that you had a good first day at work!!! That makes me really happy. My head has been okay here and there, which is good. I knew you would do awesome! It is great that it is a calm atmosphere. I love the calm and quiet so much.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Yeah it is my goal to be published and I decided to write at least one chapter a week. Sometimes I nail it and sometimes I don't. I have been getting these bad migraines sometimes 4/5 times a week which sometimes makes it hard bc then I don't want to do anything. Those are the days I hate. But slow or some progress is better than none.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

OMG! That is a dream job! hahaha. Let's see I am now an It Works distributor and I am a Tarot Reader. I also make these cool, yet creepy little dolls. I am also trying to take more time to myself to write more and to read more. I want to be published within the next year or two, so although these are very odd jobs they help me with the flexibility I need. Plus, I have always been an out of the box person. I can't be normal and wouldn't want to be in a million years. lol

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Hey Christmas and New Year were pretty good! How was yours? I am slowly starting to get more time now. I currently work from home now which is great and helps with a lot. It's helped give me more time to where i can create my own schedule and such and have more me time. So on and so forth. It's also great for the days i get nasty migraines and can't get out of bed. I am currently being treated for them. So far treatments are helping but I have been a few weeks without one. So i def need to go back soon! I miss ya hun! xo

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Hey bestie! I'm doing well. I've been so busy but I'm coming back and I'm going to continue my writing. it brings that inner peace. I missed ya! xo

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Posted 9 Years Ago

If love is your killer, well it's the only way to go. xo

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Hey hunni! I miss you too. All is well. How are you bestie?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

So glad to hear your still writing.. and keep warm in this bitter winter!