About MeGreetings, brave Readerlings!
Salutations, daringdo persistent Writerlings! I am a secret, mostly. You probably haven't noticed, but..I am here! With you, now :@) @-8- MS. Mercury Mess-Singer! MS. Messenger of the Gods (I have a Title now, oo ah.."MS" Almost? Self Induced. Think "induced labor," intense intents time: Urgent, Feel Must Create...not too much Time to expel Creative Being, MS.Writings Mom. MS.Athlete, MS.lead w guts/Idk why you're following me, but let's find out.. Yes! We the Poetry Family, follow each other. MS. EveryMom, here, been expecting results for decades now..creative-urgent-ly pregnant full lifetime, Weaving drunken spider (not the symmetric web maker type, oh no! Too easy! Nope. The all over zippy KIND, the one people feedback, "yeah, you're on the web, dear..but..what is that Thing you've devoted yourself to? You leave Me Spinning!" Oh,That! Creativity, impulses, attracts, ever moves, surprises normal [yes, surprises the normal, surprises are the normal usual & yes, the normal does surprise...all 3 are intended meanings.]. Creativity is its own compass, map, dance, can butterfly suddenly in, just when you need that light lift, strong Spirit Boost..&, it can appear to die, leave you behind. Mother birds of all species separate at times to bless us with space to explore & grow & assert/claim our own space, identity, independence as well as inter-dependence. Time to Shine! Creative Be.. That unpredictable, bursts onstage production, reproduction of some Great life changing song, Snatches I recall from my EveryMom singing, playing piano, composing, conducting, dancing even as She vacuumed, She cha-cha-ed!, surrounded by dust, her radiance emanates, Sunbeams. Even passed on, notice or not She Is Yes Here! I Live Too powerfully training, as EveryMom Works up sweet energetic sweats of EarthBound! World carrying, lifting/uplifting, barely holding on, pulsating, weary, bloated, vulnerable afraid, expecting who knows, pregnant cocoon, at mercy of others, society controlling World, making my berth plans, bump-y rides. Training, remember? Mom's know. EveryMom is Universal, overwork is usual, normal or not. EvryMom KIND. Nurturing being. EveryMom. Could be any gender, any species, can be no species at all..for instance, the unwrap so needed of fresh breeze sweeps through been locked in Soul, a refreshing maverick reminder..all these runs do help. Sun life source for Earth dwellers, beams up y-our warming smiles.. If we were meant to fly, we would've been born on a flying ball pirhouetting with all the universes ;*) ...seem familiar?! Creativity free-d free ranges, is beyond ownership by any one species. Creative is the live kaleidoscope, a listening finger dipped in clear cool stream, now too, finger sings, cleansed magnifes Joy, live points are moving, starring All Skies, ah yes, re-member to Live Heavens own Music, dances EvryMom mail-carrier, Santa Claus & evry elf. like Reluctant Volunteer turtles, big bag covers back challenged..speaking as 1, I schlep bags bigger than me, you know.."words".. times, talk bags drag, & sew Saree, sew sari! folks, time races & pulls me along, words tidal external rush & roar, organically Dreams slow mo' slowly spill Spells splash, questions answer for me too EvryWriter O dear EvryReader, .I lose the letters [Hey!! No letters, no Words ]heard, delivered, Matter in Time The Space-s Mine EvryButterfly Spaces Where rumors of Body bags legend Tears escaped Evolved seas fly Words?! O dear Yes! Singing along My Moms Song & My Dad Whistles Izzat a Song or Izzat My Song Gift Now Greetings EVERYONE All that Matters words chase times space Dogs pack Butterfly Reads Past can't reach nectar Food of the Gods reward Now Butterfly Just now I am Writing across all Future is mine Choose Wisely as |