Lady Ellen

Lady Ellen


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About Me

I go by the name Ellen. I am 41, been married to the same wonderful man for 24 years, and we have 5 children.

I like swimming, hiking, riding atv, sword collecting, and I love fish and have many tanks around the house. I also love to read and write. I am a big Anne Rice fan and have most of her books, plus I am also fond of Maggie Shayne.

I like to read almost anything though. I am interested in history, religions of the world, and weather.

I tend to write poems, but have started with writing short stories. My poems and stories tend to be about vampires which are another love of mine. I also enjoy writing about nature and emotions.

I tend to be a lone wolf and I am not to fond of joining any groups. Mainly I joined writer's cafe to read the writing of other's which I enjoy very much, and hopefully sharing some of my own writing as well, and getting some feedback.

All my poems and short stories on here are copyrighted, and I jealously guard them.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you Lady Ellen always a pleasure to receive a review from you.
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