Ellen Kolman : Writing

You sing a song only my heart can hear

You sing a song only my heart can hear

A Poem by Ellen Kolman

my heart only recognizes my loves voice
My Love Story

My Love Story

A Poem by Ellen Kolman

my personal love story
Our love is Fearless

Our love is Fearless

A Poem by Ellen Kolman

love without fear
Our Roof Top

Our Roof Top

A Poem by Ellen Kolman

Love under the stars on a roof top
In your Arms

In your Arms

A Poem by Ellen Kolman

expression of love


A Poem by Ellen Kolman

love is timeless
Jealous of the Rain

Jealous of the Rain

A Poem by Ellen Kolman

Love in the rain
My Eclisped Heart

My Eclisped Heart

A Poem by Ellen Kolman

a description of loving more than one person
Kissed in the Rain

Kissed in the Rain

A Poem by Ellen Kolman

Romance in the rain.


A Poem by Ellen Kolman

sensual poem about romantic love