EllebannA : Writing

No Fear

No Fear

A Poem by EllebannA

Unprepared Love

Unprepared Love

A Poem by EllebannA

The confusion that can occur with the heart and the mind
To My Best Friend

To My Best Friend

A Poem by EllebannA

The slow end

The slow end

A Poem by EllebannA

The life of someone slowly ending
Dramatic irony

Dramatic irony

A Poem by EllebannA

Opportunities and losses are all part of life.
The feeling of love

The feeling of love

A Poem by EllebannA

A description of what it is like to love someone... a description to what happens to the mind and heart
She wont dare ask why

She wont dare ask why

A Poem by EllebannA

How an orphan views life...
You are You

You are You

A Poem by EllebannA

A mysterious person that everyone wants to know, behind every look they see a question that needs to be answered...
Nature's phone call

Nature's phone call

A Poem by EllebannA

Signs that we should not take for granted.... Nature's call...
The finishing line

The finishing line

A Poem by EllebannA

A battle, not with arms, but with the spirit...

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