The winter wind curls before it blows.
Where it is, that is where I'll go.
I'll follow the Northern lights--
the trails dogs and men alike have
When someone says
I'll take you with me,
When someone says
Come, let's travel
Into another timezone,
Another point
In time and space,
You can b..
We can fare the wind,
And we can race
Through the waters --
The same ones
Our ancestors
Sailed for longMonths at sea,
Waiting to conquer
It comes disguised,
But take it as
An adventure,
An invitation
To see the world.
Take what matters.
Take a souvenir.
We can build inventions --
Boats on the ocean,
Shuttles to a new land,
To a new idea
That meets us
With determination.
It calls out
Like northe..