Chapter Nine;
Lissie woke in the same ally. She had fallen asleep, and been kept safe by the dim light. It was dark now; she could barely make out th..
Chapter Ten;
Aubren and Lissie walked full bellied back to Aubren’s room to rest their eyes.
“I can’t believe it.” Lissie s..
Chapter eleven;
Lissie woke before Aubren, and washed her face and saddled up her horse. She fingered through her rats nest of hair, and sat by the ..
Chapter twelve;
Mercedes, Aubren and Lissie waited outside of the massive Sterling City. It was surrounded by green, grassy hills, but built on flat..
The three of them were forced out of their sleep when violent knocking was heard from the other side of the storage door. Mercedes screamed as Aubren ..
Lissie, to no surprise, was the last one up. Or so she thought. In the corner, in a fetal posistion, laid Aubren; still sound asleep. Everyone else wa..
You've many years now, left to live
When all you had was your blood to give.
When Mia, a tom-boyish arcade junky of a girl is tempted into playing an ancient roll playing game, she would've never been prepared for where it take..