Elizabeth Porterfield : Writing



A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

Kinda twisted, but a symbol of eternal love
Goddess of Destruction

Goddess of Destruction

A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

A poem I wrote while thinking of Indian mythology


A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

The cold descends Upon my limbs My leaves fell long ago The wind rolls Across gray skin And through my shivering boughs Yet still I stand Tall ..
To My Unknown Love

To My Unknown Love

A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

A poem of Address
What is Life?

What is Life?

A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

A Metaphor Poem
Haiku 1

Haiku 1

A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

Silence echoes here Nights darkness betrayed by stars At the birth of light
The Flow of Love

The Flow of Love

A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

Love comes And it goes It ebbs And it flows We ride the tides Inspired by the everchanging moon What is the nature of my true aspect What clari..
The Haze of Fear

The Haze of Fear

A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

I stand back And simply stare As the world rolls on before me I wish to watch objectively But fear clouds my mind A haze of uncertainty Causing ..
Broken Pieces

Broken Pieces

A Poem by Elizabeth Porterfield

A shattered mirror Stands before me Broken glass litters The ground around my feet I couldnt stand Under the pressure So instead I fell Down on..