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Istanbul, Turkey
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About Me

22 years ago in a rainy summer day, along with screams and some kicking I was born in this world, a month and a half "later" than I should. What can I say, it was comfy in there... Anyway 7-8 years after I made that mistake called being born, I took a pencil in my hand and wrote something that wasnt written anywhere else which seemed to bring ease to my confused and disappointed soul. Pencils, pens and then my keyboard become my best friend... Remedy when sick, glue when broken, a shoulder to cry on and a hug when happy.

I am writing ever since. I never thought I can do something better than I can write. My english is still improving so, you may and will find many mistakes if you ever read my stuff since I cant write my poems or my awesome novel in Turkish here.

Oh, yeah.. I am Turkish. Living in Ankara / Turkey and dreaming for "the escape" everyday. My name is Elmira which means Moonlight. The Moon is a major inspiration for me and I can say, I myself resemble the Moon itself. Trying to shine through the night... Tho like every moon, to be able to shine, I too need a sun...

That's my first layer.. Wanna go deeper? Read me between my lines. Samurais knew each other by fighting and writers know each other by reading...

Let the air you inhale be your insparation. Never to go away... And may the God save you from the "Writer's Block" *horrified face*

Which Poet are you?
Your Result: Emily Dickinson

You are a pioneer. You have been called to a vocation. You are the art and the art is you. You do not stop for anything. Sacrifice is made it its name. You are truly an artist unbound.

Robert Frost
Sylvia Plath
William Carlos Williams
Walt Whitman
Which Poet are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for the review. :D

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Posted 15 Years Ago

You're flying along with the awards....how big is smile now! Congrats and I'm so happy for you, you go girl !!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thank you for reviewing my work.. :)
I based that on a moment of my life,
I was in a relationship..and he was looking for lifetime love, and I was just blaah. I didn't know what I wanted..
And ended up breaking his heart.. >.>
It still makes me depressed thinking about it. -siigh-

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey, congrats on the awards...
Well done and keep expressing as you have a wonderful way with words.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for your kindly reviews. I am here to amuse only and struggle to express any of the 'deep and meaningful' that flows out of others here in the cafe, which, by the way, I so admire and enjoy reading. Now I am off to view your photo's...tra la la la...

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks muchly for accepting my friend request. I so can't wait to get to your writing, your bio is amazing and I am sure great writing dwells within you.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for that great review, it meant a lot to me that you enjoyed it so much. Can't wait to read your stuff :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

lol, I'm planning to make that chapter longer. O.o

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Posted 15 Years Ago

nice to meet you too.� Im Janis :D

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for the Amazing Review. I'm Glad you liked it! I'll be sure to read your poem that it resembles! :D