Purple's deep blueAnd red's demising orangeWebs upon spire, round through up and roundComplex in towering lounging lungeGrey's in deform down toward d..
A poem to depict the dreamscape of a personalities death, rebirth, then urges and unfortunate regression.
You can read it across or top down either way the poem can be interpreted to its fullest meaning. Enjoy. Comment below if you have an opinion.
Black of night, lights of orange, pipes of blue and greenAnd steel, lots of steel, it weavesWondering this industrial mazeThe pipes, lights, steam, br..
When life goes
to slowly
Many wish to
speed it up
Most, however
Forget joy
Forget that
It's minutes to
Closer to mortality..
I've forgotten
Whilst starving
through opaque consequence
I've forgotten
As I steadily
continue my endless battle towards aspiration
Children silhouettes unstill in
the wood
Blank of color amongst this
vibrant world
Playing hide and seek
Their whispers vibrate light an..
I could
See you as one of them
As days go by the transition becomes even more so evident
But I know you could be someone special; with yo..
I want to see beyond
I want, to grasp light
To understand presence
All with devolved function…
This is an uneasy task for a confor..
Feeling fiction to nonfiction:
Blighted scars on mars;
The inner ripples of the brain…
Distant lustrous stars;
An eyes truth’..