Daniel Eckert

Daniel Eckert


Writing is what I love, yet traveling is muse. So once again you may see me on the side of a highway with my thumb up and out.

Reno, NV
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About Me

I am college student... well kind of. I am 15 credits, give or take a few, from a BS in computer science engineering. In a meeting with a professor he told me, "Your code is very eloquent, but your passion about writing it seems to be fading." Those words struck me like a brick. I dropped all of my classes; moved out of the dorms and in with some friends; I then spent the last year trying to find something I was passionate about. I've always loved writing and hope to make it a career. Even if that means reviewing iPads while doing some creative writing in my free time.

I now am seriously underemployed working at Wal-Mart. Recently I have been contemplating returning to school to pursue a degree in English.

The main thing my time in school and the last year has taught me is: If you don't enjoy doing it, don't do it. Sure as hell don't try to make a career out of it.


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Source: scrapbook.com via Elfienna-Luna on Pinterest

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Posted 11 Years Ago

you are an amazing writer :D

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thanks for the friend request, made my night! Ha.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Long time no see!