Charles McGarry

Charles McGarry


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Phoenix, AZ
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About Me

I am an author, a blogger, and a truly unique individual. I am a free thinker, a futurist, and I love to think deeply about many issues. I am married to the love of my life, and I have two amazing children.. I was raised on a small hay farm in southern Utah. After high school, and floundering for a couple of years, I moved to Phoenix AZ to attend college. I met my wife there and we were married in December of 2000. After graduating in 2001, I went to seminary and obtained my Masters degree in 2007. I pastored a church for three years, but have chosen to go a different direction. My wife and I have two amazing children and an adorable, and rather eccentric cat.

I am a very eclectic individual. I enjoy all kinds of different movies and music. I am also a huge bookworm. My genres of choice are inspirational non-fiction and Fantasy, and I am a huge fan of authors like Terry Brooks, JRR Tolkien, and Christopher Paolini, Rob Bell, and CS Lewis. I am enamored with ancient world history, especially Egyptology, and I also like to play video games.

I am proud to say that I am a health nut, and a huge fan of yoga and meditation for releasing stress.

I currently write books within the broad Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre, as well as inspirational material.

I am unconventional at heart, and that is what makes me who I am.

Oh yeah! I have a thing for dragons.


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Posted 11 Years Ago

I actually haven't read his stuff, but the Discworld books have been on my long list of books to read. Trying to finish my short list first, haha. Now that you mention it, I might have to put him on my short list. Thanks Ruth! :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

JRR Tolkien, Rob Bell, and CS Lewis - and also ancient world history, especially Egyptology - are some of my favourite people/things! I ALSO have a thing for dragons!

Have you read Terry Pratchett? I have a feeling you'd enjoy... ;-)