Ebits : Writing

A House is Not a Home

A House is Not a Home

A Poem by Ebits

My attempt at what would have been a performance poem. A metaphor for the construction and demolition of relationships.
Thoughts in the Course of a Day

Thoughts in the Course of a Day

A Poem by Ebits

Trying to find the motivation to wake up every morning.


A Poem by Ebits

My mind has recently been opened up to new ways of thinking that I still can't process.
Open Book

Open Book

A Poem by Ebits

About the realization that I have once every few months.


A Poem by Ebits

Realizing that there is so much to life...
I Play to Lose

I Play to Lose

A Poem by Ebits

A poem composed of some verbatim text from a break-up conversation, some exagerrated text, and some post break-up angst.
Golden Glass

Golden Glass

A Poem by Ebits

Sometimes I write about what I'm feeling. Sometimes a line will just pop into my head and I'm like, "I HAVE TO USE THAT." This is a combination of bot..

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