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About Me

I'm the guy everyone hates and doesn't understand until I fall on your table while singing karaoke, then, I fall on another table and everyone realizes it's not accidental, it's terrorism!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review, but what do you mean "regret"?

Is that supposed to be good or bad, I'm confused.....

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Posted 17 Years Ago

alex alex alex

it is still so cold here. horrible.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

your about me section rocks.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey you, thanks for the review, and yes sadness is seen even when there is happiness on the outside. Great insight you hit it on the button! Thanks again.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I thank you my friend! Your review on my eroticism "woman time" is original. I appreciate it how u see it. Exactly. That makes me really happy. You did understand! Who wants to see that nakedness and the last detail? Who looks at the plenty of naked woman in Cote d' Azur when there is one in transparent chiffon and you just burning to see - how she looks like?
We lost each other for a while, but now we are here. Keep me reading. I truly appreciate. Yours, lara.

Digital Art Digital Art Digital art Digital Art Digital Artnew york city new york city time squa

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks Eamon.
I'm not sure about bringing it out onto the streets... the next thing you know, people would be targeting 'Asian' businesses.
That's what makes the American way of life so great, it's a multicultural society that's not founded on the sort of petty vindictiveness ingrained into the Iraqi psyche (and the Northern Irish one too, to prove I'm not being anti-any-country).
Cheers, Eamon.

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Posted 18 Years Ago


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Posted 18 Years Ago

ive been drawing a lot lately---still lifes and design works--nothing funn---and i havent had time to write anything but papers for advertising class news leads for media writing class.
but i enjoy reading YOUr stuff when i have the time.
so keep doing what you do. :)

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Well, aren't you a strange one.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

cook, clean, a regular old maid.

hahahhaha (no, that's not funny)

Snow White cleaning floor singing "some day my prince will come"