After it's all said and done what will remain ?
Will the man who went hungry for days continue to have dreams about when he will have a meal again ?
This mind is lethal ,when put to good use .For the longest time I have unraveled the hidden potential of the mind but never truly believed in myself..
Iv play the cards dealt only to leave a story of a heart untold.How can a man fall in love overnight when his heart has no shield.I will tell you it i..
I am a blood sucker but one of another kind I am the blood sucker who fights for the cause I have created in my mind. I understand people now and..
From my mothers womb a hero is maid ,all the pain that was bared made my mother a Hero.Little did she know a hero was born ,off into the world was t..
Fallen am I to the infatuation of love ,it is my memories that take me on a journey supplying me with hope. It is I who fall victim ,into slavery ..
There will be days when ones heart has felt lost and confused.There will days when you feel like you don't have a purpose.There will be days when ..
She was broken ,holding for her dear life. Fight no fight, she battle with all her might. To recognize ,to see the battle was me,she was broken h..
There comes a time in life when your feeling alone. When all you have is the word of Jesus Christ,the,bible.For many it may just seem like a book but..
War is for the weak . War is for the strong. No matter big or little. No enemy will be left astray. Orders have been given. It is to God we all must ..