E.A.B : Writing

Elemental Ecstasy

Elemental Ecstasy

A Poem by E.A.B

Ecstasy is so unnatural to some. It is a fleeting thought.An expression some would sayA UtopiaAn epiphany evenA metaphorical everlasting..


A Chapter by E.A.B

How does one measure the beginning of any circle? Its beginning feels like its end, and its end is infinitum. Masami’s only measurement of ..


A Chapter by E.A.B

Masami adjust to life at Aiko with more surprises on the horizon.


A Chapter by E.A.B

Chapter 3: LustingIn the stillness of the hall Masami breathed in deeply.He was alone in the dimly lit hallway, but Konoharu's presence still undulate..
Full Circle

Full Circle

A Book by E.A.B

This is the story of Itagaru Masami's journey, finding himself in the place he thought he knew best, "home."