About Me
Writing this here and now, I'm 19 years old. But that will probably change before this self-description does.
I have no background or experience with writing, aside from the scribbles I've collected throughout my school-aged years. The funny thing is, during those years I never actually went to school. Each year I went to class less and less, and started writing/practicing music more and more. Such was the inspiration for my transition into lyrical composition. And of course..when you start writing with a lyrical purpose, you start to write for anything and everything.
So let there begin herein a documentation. A documentation of my accomplishments, of my failures, and of my perilous journey through self-expression. Peruse at your own risk - much of my writing is seemingly foreign in language, and some of the 'symbolism' I use is meant only to be understood by those who ask questions of it. Interactive art, I like it!