Jeb : Writing

Artificial Moon

Artificial Moon

A Poem by Jeb

Written about the lights from the mall near my house that run all night.
Morning After Pill

Morning After Pill

A Screenplay by Jeb

Drug addicted teen Timble Wallis deals with the consequences the morning after a high-school party gets slightly out of hand. I did this in Celtx and ..
Existentialists Make Lousy Board Games

Existentialists Make Lousy Board Games

A Story by Jeb

"All great truths are conceived by walking." -Friedrich Nitzsche "The future is vast and inscrutable. What we do has little affect ..
(Untitled Adventure and Philosophy Story Part 1)

(Untitled Adventure and Philosophy Story Part 1)

A Book by Jeb

I really need to come up with a title for these stories. I have been working on them in my head for four years and are just now beginning to put it on..
Introduction and Prologue

Introduction and Prologue

A Chapter by Jeb

This is the very beginning of what I hope to be an epic saga.
The First Crusade

The First Crusade

A Story by Jeb

This didn't turn out as creepy as I has intended so I am going to make some revisions. I wanted it to be just a disturbingly creepy future dystopia th..


A Story by Jeb

A story about a girl in 1920's Oklahoma, written in her own unique point of view.
The Beautiful Sin

The Beautiful Sin

A Poem by Jeb

At shot one I saw a man three rows up who looked he had lost a friend. I respected him, but pitied the man lying dead. I saluted him, but mourned..
The 5th of November

The 5th of November

A Poem by Jeb

I meant to post this on the 5th...
We're no heroes

We\'re no heroes

A Poem by Jeb

Just a short little ditty.

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