About Me
Hello. =] My little "about me" section was pretty sad, so I decided I should actually write something with some content.
I like to write a lot, even though I'm not extremely wonderful at it. It's just that sometimes, when I'm in a really "BLAH" kind of mood, I don't know what to SAY to anyone.. and that is when I like to write. I usually only write when I have something serious on my mind. And my poems are never happy, for some odd reason. But that's ok. =]
I have an odd sense of humor, an infectious laugh, and a unique way to make almost ANYONE smile. I do not have patience with people I deem ignorant; I cannot deal with stupidity. I do, however, come with the built-in ability of always appearing to be in a good mood. Very useful. ;)
Well, I guess that's all about me! Hehe