Unplugging from the matrix
Perspective interaction between Right and Left Brained people
Anatomy of the Soul: Outline
"The Material world, though meant to be the playground of the Self and the Soul,
In this Space-Time dimension, vies f..
An exploration into the depths of what it means to be human.
My head brimming with facts and data
I may recite on cue,
It profits me not to See a shade or hue.
Though storage and speed be as a computer,
Some high, some low, some loud, some not, my guides above me, just aloft.
As a naive a trial, an inch a mile, still drawn to her, my stunner does pul..
For better, for worse, mine is a road less traveled.
My path, so treacherous!, Many arrows do cross it's lanes.
When aware, my road, so beau..
When I was young I looked up to people. At first it was those who had authority over me like my parents, teachers, aunts and uncles and the like. Wh..
Why is it a literally a nearly forgone conclusion that when but a mere popper proffers the sage advice that Education is the key to success, or at t..
From birth to age 29 was a blur to me, though I remember it all with crystal clarity. Mine is the quintessential creation of a high functioning..