DreyaArt : Writing

I shouldn't

I shouldn't

A Poem by DreyaArt

You are Beautiful.And I, I am not.My soul is, but you cannot see that.My shell does not match what is within.You shine with your love for life,I, I am..
You changed it all

You changed it all

A Poem by DreyaArt

random thoughts about how sometimes people come into your life, and change it, but arent always honest. Sometimes we got to take a leap of faith.
Dear Lover

Dear Lover

A Poem by DreyaArt

This was something pretty random, with no one in mind. But I thought maybe some one would like this, or relate or understand it better then my own nai..
The Afterthought

The Afterthought

A Poem by DreyaArt

Left behind,Unnoticed,Afterthought.I have always been compared,Always been placed against,Measured to,but never been able to measure up.I have always ..
The Book

The Book

A Poem by DreyaArt

I am an open book,A complex novel,A cover meek and almost boring to see,Ugly even, Paperback, delicate as that of a flower petal.Pages, white and pure..
Two Eyes

Two Eyes

A Poem by DreyaArt

In Silence they watch us,In Stillness they dance,The watchers of sky in perfect romance.They follow each other, Forever eternal, Lovers apart.Save in ..
The ABC's in Poetry...backwards

The ABC's in Poetry...backwards

A Poem by DreyaArt

i was bored, this probably doesnt make any sense but i tried lol


A Story by DreyaArt

I am blind.I live in my apartment, third floor, second door on the left. I have three cats, and eight fish, they don't get along well. I do have a dog..
Lost In Sky

Lost In Sky

A Poem by DreyaArt

into sky, out of land- walking in the clouds, standing on the rain- falling through the airways, flying in the stillness- blue color floods your vi..


A Poem by DreyaArt

Still, and frozen. Eyes wide, no sound escaping her lips. Arms open, fingers holding her heart, Catching her tears. Lifeless she stands, Her feet..