K. W. Matthews

K. W. Matthews


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Fort Worth, TX
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About Me

Born in England and raised in West Texas, I have always held a love for science and fantasy which grew more and more apparent as I gew up. When I turned 16 I wrote my first novel, Mazakai the Oracle: the Curse of Excalibur and continued into my first series. Over the next few years, it would be joined by my personal favorite, The Dreamscape Saga. Though young, I plan to continue my writing and better myself as I progress with my education and career.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the comments. I wish I could do the same for you, but you don't have anything posted that I can see... Then again, just getting used to the site, so... yeah. Thanks again. (I made a few changes to May You, based on your critique. Really useful.)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Long time, no see. Hope to see more of you here than I do on myspace. Check out the poetry, if you feel the inclination, and leave a comment or two.

I'd do the same for you, but you don't have anything posted... that I can see.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

While we will likely constantly argue, I believe only good can come of it.