Chapter 10Seraphina surveyed the room of halflings while Oliver gave a passionate speech about duty and helping the kingdom. Once he was finished Sera..
Chapter 11Rhea was sitting on her bed singing to Aya when she heard a soft knock on her door. “Come in,” she called out, trying to think o..
Chapter 12“Sera, I’ve been looking all over for you!” Oliver exclaimed. Seraphina was sitting in the library, she was surrounded in ..
Chapter 13The last piece was in place, everything was ready. It was time. Duana sat in the middle of the circle and started to chant. Her black magic ..
Chapter 14 Duana and Rhea appeared in the middle of the battle field. Arrows rained overhead and men fought sword on sword all around them.Duana shout..
Chapter 15Seraphina and Oliver stood together at the end of the gradual hill that was the battle field, a little ways from the fort. They’d watc..
Chapter 16“We’re here, Rhea we’re at the castle,” Rhea woke up and saw Seraphina riding next to the wagon. The castle loomed a..
Chapter 17Seraphina thought, while she and Oliver consulted their advisors, that the demands of war were nothing compared with the demands of peace. T..
Chapter 18Duana was standing by the window when Seraphina entered the room. “Rhea explained some things about what happened before you came to O..
Chapter 19Dawn rose to a sleeping castle. After the strange and late events of the night before everyone chose to sleep in because such a strange nigh..