16 yrs of age, not really all that special. I'm some what of a loner but I don't care. My motto is, "Even though you get thousands of opinions about how you should dress, how much you shoud weigh, and how you should act, the only only opinion you should consider is your own."
I have a come along way since that message I'm now 18 years old, still the same but now I have more expirience. I'm in college and am aspiring to be a veterinarian. To with my writing I'm doing artwork and I am also writing a couple stories. Poems are far and between but thats okay, they come and go as they wish but gthey are there beneath the rusted dusty surface of my skull that i call a brain. I've become stronger in my belief of my own self worth and am doing a great job at deciding who i am despite the words and criticisms of those around me. My belief is that no matter what, there is no perfect body personality, hair, or look, there is only what we feel is perfect to ourselves and our lives. We should be pround of what we btain naturally and not try to augment it.