About MeAuthor of Drama Child: Emotion In Rhyme, released Nov. 2016.
Check it out at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1461055806/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_awdo_x_c8Uqyb84EG6JK#immersive-view_1483310542738 Follow me on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/DramaChildPoetry/ and/or Twitter: https://twitter.com/DramaChildPoet Upcoming: Drama Child: Falling In Rhyme will be released in early 2017. ________________________________________ Emotion In Rhyme From the childish to mature Happiness and pain Young love, Old love Heartbreak and change Life’s unspeakable, People’s coldness Growing, Dying, Weakness, boldness Death, Betrayal Scattered through time Drama Child Emotion in Rhyme. ______________________________________________ Street smarts, gypsy dreams… Educated, witty-personality! Faults, mistakes, imperfections… Everything, but not expecting. Hoodies, gowns, sneakers- to-heels.. Rich, poor, live life real. Dreams, goals, love, success! Never half-assed, always the best! Call it cocky but it’s confidence, Call it fake, hate my happiness.. Thought you knew, but it isn't so.. The greatest person you’ll ever know. |