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Compartment 114
Compartment 114

Julian : Writing

The Clans - chapter 1: How You Doin?

The Clans - chapter 1: How You Doin?

A Book by Julian

First chapter. Its an Urban Fantasy. I introduce my main characters and have them meet each other. The name of this story is "The Clans".
The Journey

The Journey

A Book by Julian

The Journey: Finally, after 238 years

The Journey: Finally, after 238 years

A Story by Julian

An view of President-Elect Obama's historic election to office
The Dragon and The Sparrow - Chapter 1

The Dragon and The Sparrow - Chapter 1

A Book by Julian

The Kingdoms of the Clans has existed on the continent of Caldera for thousands of years. So long, that most of the people alive have forgotten that t..


A Chapter by Julian

The Dragon & The Sparrow: (Revised starting 1/2008) CHAPTER ONE: Love At First Sight Prince Balthazar de Calabria, heir to the throne of..
The Dragon and the Sparrow - Chapter 2

The Dragon and the Sparrow - Chapter 2

A Chapter by Julian

Chapter two of the Dragon and the Sparrow saga.