Jacques Coulardeau

Jacques Coulardeau


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About Me

Born In bordeaux in 1945
Travelled a lot, Congo, USA, Sri Lanka, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Germany (both before 1989), Belgium, Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland, and from time to time France, now and then
Live in the mountains with a house and a garden, but no animals, and work in Paris
Have taught as a visiting lecturer most of the time in some ten universites in the world and am still doing it in Paris in two universities and in september three
I have written for radios, newspapers, magazines, journals, theater (actors and puppets)
I have written and published poetry, novels, short stories, plays, and a tremendous lot of research in all kinds of fields


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for a lovely comment on Sins and Confessions .. also such an informative review. I enjoyed the knowledge.. thanks so much and a very happy new year to you .


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Posted 17 Years Ago

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi .. thanks for accepting me as a friend.
I enjoyed your review of A Conversation.. it was very indepth and informative.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi .. thanks for accepting me as a friend.
I enjoyed your review of A Conversation.. it was very indepth and informative.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello, I saw your review on Addicts page and thought I would read something of yours.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

ok i am just re read that comment i wrote those typos really anoy me lol.

i have a new keyboard sorry and it really bugs me to type...

but am yes i still thank you for your review and yoru good points, but you asked if it's a poem i gues si shoudlk ahve kept ti in my blog, but i just wrote some thoughts i had on the way some people, i never sent it to anyone, for that purpose but i figure dif anyone saw it then cool, but yea it was not specific, it was just my thoughts.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

when i have sometime i will read one of your stories i saw some titles i found really interesting.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

cheers for the review, even though the you never really made me knwo anythign i already know about the poem, i wrote it and i did not put any work into it, i just wrote down some thoughts. never shared it with nayone i figured if nayone stumbled up on ot then it would be fine.

so cheers for the review and yes you made some good points, but you are quite wrong about my ego, ego is one thing i do nto give 2 f***s about, as amater fact i hate ego's so much i used to hit people just for bosting too much.

i will give reviews and love your work a lot, the point of the poem was top say....i do not do things to get rewarded fro the,, i don't ask for respect, i do not require attention, that poem was for some peopel in my friends who complained about the macabre stuff i wrote, even though they knew what i was about before they added me.

i appreciate your honesty and for reading my my other poems, even though you said you read them i see no reviews, only on the one that you said si silly, which must have got your attention some how.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Interesting poetry comment on Strawberry Kisses - I guess you are saying about the point of dreams and I have to agree with you......still good subject for poetic thought.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for your review. You pointed out some interesting points that are worthy of more thought for the next joint writing. We had an enjoyable experience working together and anyone reading at all is a bonus. Deeper analysis is worth reading as we can improve - only the second we have written together, and the first with a planned structure.