‘Cross the sea is an island, at least they all say,if you sit still and listen, you can actually hearthe king of said island, calling your name...
Yesterday’s sands are whipping my face -They scour my eyes and stifle my pace;Filling my lungs as I’m gasping for airForsaken by love, so ..
The sun flicks a sheen 'cross her long curly hairAnd reflects from the depths of her eyes of despairAnd projects her despair through my skin to my sou..
I'll be me
and you be you,
but chances are
we can't be two;
For I see
what you're blind to -
and chances are
I'm blind to you.
Few can se..
Life is a road
and we're all in cars
and we are all driving
not knowing how far
My car is gray
The inside is all black
and I'm towing four oth..
She was a dark-haired girl and beautiful, and he was a dark-haired man and handsome, although neither of them would have described themselves as such...
It was Friday morning and it had been three days since I’d spoken with my father when he called me, but I was working and I did not answer. He c..
Inspired by all the callousness in society, where people are more inclined to stand by and watch suffering, rather than stopping and helping, I hope t..
A sample of time is all that we're givenA blink of an eye in this placeIt slips through our fingers, and as well as we hideThe reaper continues to pac..
This is a poem I wrote for my son. It's subject to change and it may be posted here temporarily. Enjoy.