mantel expandsshadowed whiteatop, afloat, aloofa bronze light.erased the nightits cradled trickerywhispered subdued allthoughtful ghosts.
The moonlit skya map to you.eyes draw closeyour embrace smiling.clouds come forthbrewing up a storm.heart stays assuredthe moon still shines.
Midas awakesgoldscattersin counted minutes.Eyes blink,heart throbs.Warm is the facetaking all in.My hand is still holding yours,now and in between.
Behold this sky,
Vanilla sugar and raw eggs.
Sanguine rainbows
Departed on the 5 o'clock train.
Wet pavements and yesterday's paper
Breve light liftedmidsummer spellson crests of liquid hopeand solid doubtsclamoring straight thoughtsover the ocean's glowfrost bites anewand unaccust..
It succumbedto this witha final pushand a sharp edgecut to the coreall that once werestains in the skieswindows of souls.Rage of blood uncleanuntouche..
How many leagues under the sea?
Knotted fate,
For good or terror.
Immersed, sapphire and fire
Brooding breaths of delirium.
Beating muscl..
Untamed cringeFiddling with pain.Your eyes crave love's spikes,The blindness that follows.Unwavering winds blowThe swing squeaks loud memories.It's da..
Stars swallowed hardcoughing up dust.I waited.Milky Way breathedLonging ran after youBand of pale feelingsembraces the goodness of you.Meteors filled ..
Red silk round bodybrown hair, soft skin shines.Wind flows, eyes twinkletorrent of light dipped in sky.Voice calls, waves whisperunder carpet of sand...