One of the many works written for the Autumn Season.
Your smile is just the Sun's warm embrace,
I love you no matter what fate dictates,
Forever I am a Sunflower and you deserve my amaze.
- Stu. T.H..
I stood my ground awaiting--
For my love to visit, how tiring,
The woman whose skin is white as snow,
Who wears a smile melting all my colds,
Now ..
Winter comes after Autumn,
When unknown sorrows begin to blossom,
When every touch warrants a chill,
And relentless winds hike the tallest of hills..
Winter is one season to frown upon,
Out of the four, this one most likes to tease and taunt,
Rather than ending us with one quick heartache,
It ben..
It was inspired by William Shakespeare fhe great playwright and his sonnets that I made this over the Summer of 2023.
My love for you is paranormal,
My confession comes knocking informal,
Presents to you a new made day,
Where bones of the past there still lay,
Gaze upon the sickle moon,
The starstruck band broke out a tune,
Swim along the lazy gaze,
Was a boy whose heart set ablaze.
Flaring sun..
Oh, maiden of love, you are too fair,
With wind accompany the smell of your hair,
Yet our love is not bound by the strings of fate,
Thus rendering ..
What shall I do now,
Laying my head into a river to drown ?
When my future days are plagued with uncertainty,
And my current days are consumed in ..