The Stunna Sista
An intriguing mind, a brilliant mind, a fragile body, a fragile soul. Can one such as this exist in a world like today? Can ..
I see the sun
I feel, smell, and sit in it
Yet to me it is still dark
For in my spirit and mind
I'm lost
So to be around them
The pe..
Some hope
To die now instead of later
To just get rid of the pain
The sorrow
For it don't help that we judge them
Based on how they look, dress..
What is she thinking
Going through her life like she is
Always changing houses, states, and jails
Here and there
There and here
Bouncing around..
Would he see me
Would he see me,if I changed my hair
Would he see me,if I changed my style
Would he see me,if I changed my friends
Would he see me..
Watching is seeing
As seeing is watching
Though I walk in this life
In this body
It feel's as if I watch on the side
Seeing myself as I go
They decieve
The people closest to me
Though I'm in disbelief
What my loved one's say must be
They lie to my face
Whenthe truth is they say it ..
My 1st poem....its old...lol
Thatinternal light
Essential smell
Hateful delight
Addictive fear
Thatpermanent hope
Prominent urge
Phenomenal touch
Unconceivable smile
I fell this feeling
This disturbing low
A question that haunts me
This question that is always within me
For it never let's go
Never let's it's g..