Because it’s been a long time
He sits after the show and doesn’t pay attention
And lets his band mate take the money
And refuses to l..
One day, the Devil realized he was very bored.
Satan did not particularly care for the ways of humans, but there was one thing that had caught his attention.
Ireland has come to roost in salty gray Coos Bay, and the boys are ready to leave their mark. That is, if they can get anything past Janey. A story ab..
“Boy, you sure know how to pick the worst days to ditch,” said Corey. “You totally missed it!”
It was raining and miserably..
The next day, Janey was slightly psyched for school. She couldn’t wait to experience the Annual Foreign Exchange Disaster, as she had named it. ..
Mom and Dad were not Mom and Dad; they were Tricia and David. That was the thing about having hippie parents: they insisted on having a first name bas..
The phone began ringing, and Janey jumped. People rarely used the Moore family phone. People didn’t generally know what their phone number was..
The next day Janey was unusually early for school. Just thinking about cleaning out her room had been exhausting, and she had fallen sleep before di..
Twice in one day, and Decker looked excited for it. “Janey,” he repeated, getting a long-fingered grip on her elbo..