Some Random Person. : Writing

Wintery White Snow

Wintery White Snow

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

One Christmas morning, I woke up cold.I looked out of mybedsidewindow,To find that there was white fold,in the glorious glittering scenery.It was the ..
Ruby: The Poetic Life of a Faithful Pup

Ruby: The Poetic Life of a Faithful Pup

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

I ran across the floor,To get my master at the door,Wait for her, I shall not go.Me, the faithful dog, going to get her,My mistress has not shown.A ca..
The Sleeping Cone

The Sleeping Cone

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

She was sleeping as she could,Trying not to stir a bone,Laying out there as still as wood,Playing as though she were a cone.
Tiberius The Curious Pup

Tiberius The Curious Pup

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

Tiberious is a puppy.He isa very smart, curious puppy.One day, when his masters where gone,He snuck out, for a run.He walked and smelled around,The ne..
What I Am

What I Am

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

Historical, yes I am.Smart, that is true.Nature, yep, that as well.What else do you want to know?My name? Elizabeth.Myfavorite color? BlueMy favorite ..
Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

Moon’s out, Scream and shout!Black cat, give me a bat.Someone screams outsome dreams?A pumpkin glow, bright and slow.Ring a door, out to the moo..
Hot Summer's Day

Hot Summer's Day

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

A hot summer’s day,Hot as can be,How can we stand,The summer’s heat wave,Oh, joy! Here comes rain,Rain as hard as hail,Coveringthe hot, hu..
Ah Autocorrect

Ah Autocorrect

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

Ah Autocorrect,Must you always ruin our lives?You correct the wordsThat were already correct.You make messages wrongAnd spell people's last names wron..
Bad Insurance

Bad Insurance

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

Why is it that people HATE you,You ASK?Let me ENLIGHTEN you,Or give you some CLUES.Maybe you DENY claims,Or you just IGNORE us until the last minute.M..
The Adventures Of Tiger Eye: A Puppy's Story

The Adventures Of Tiger Eye: A Puppy's Story

A Story by Some Random Person.

When I was born, I was born to a poor family. They couldn’t take care of me because they didn’t have the money to keep me fed. So my own..