Dave "Doc" Rogers : Writing

Ya know what?

Ya know what?

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

Just some pondering, essay kinda stuff really
If I had fear

If I had fear

A Poem by Dave "Doc" Rogers

A musing
Something to think about on the 4th of July

Something to think about on the 4th of July

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

An essay, some thoughts around the 4th of July
Hello, we need you

Hello, we need you

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

A writing prompt gave me the start of an idea then it changed a bit. Enjoy.
Bon Chance, Mssr Smith

Bon Chance, Mssr Smith

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

I received a writing prompt, then this story idea hit me. Enjoy. Let me know if it takes you there.
They know not what they do

They know not what they do

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

A look at people's understanding.
11th Hour of the 11th Day

11th Hour of the 11th Day

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

Short essay on Veterans Day.
Oatmeal and Buttermilk

Oatmeal and Buttermilk

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

A family visit during my childhood and how my uncle helped me get through a bowl of oatmeal with a glass of buttermilk.
One Day Is Not Enough

One Day Is Not Enough

A Poem by Dave "Doc" Rogers

A poem for my wife on St Valentine's Day 2016

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