Irested my head on her lapAs she started the tale.Evenstrangers came aroundstrengthening the stench of ale."A certain monthout of the year,he turns in..
You can't see the frameif you're in the picture.You can't trust any personWho won't give you stricture. If you must open your mouthAt least have somet..
My power grows ever strongThis fact no one can ever deny.What once was broken inside meIs now mended and wants tofight.Those who love me will suffer....
I drove for many hours till I reached the lakeOne look at the sky and I knew it was late.The water beneaththe dockWas indeed mighty darkAnd much like ..
I am not scared of dying,I am scared of how i'll die.Does anyone want to goWith a knife through their eye?Imagine feeling the tipAt the very back of y..