A Poem by Dior
Engulfed in blackness why can't you see
your hurting me. You abandoned me
driven by your addiction.
Your time is ticking away.What your
doing t..
A Poem by Dior
I want to love you,but I am scared
Scared I will get hurt again like so
many times before. It's not that
I don't want to be with you,I am
just th..
A Poem by Dior
You we never there for me.You only wanted
your sick little made up world.In reality
your daughter needed you, and you wern't
there.I had to fight f..
A Poem by Dior
Finally the time has come,
where I am on top,
Graduating is an eye opening
dream.Every ighschooler wants it,
but in the end there are some..
A Chapter by Dior
It was asunny day in Los Angeles, California. Ijust got off the plane coming fromfrom the beautiful island of Maui. I had come to California becuse I ..
A Chapter by Dior
The sign on the entrance door said "Actors Only". As I opened the door a cool breeze engulfed me. I shivered and went inside. I had entered into the b..
A Chapter by Dior
The next morning after I brushed my hair, teeth, and got dressed I went to find Lisa, Beth and Will. I found them eating breakfast on the stage.
A Chapter by Dior
After lunch we parted ways. Beth, and Lisa went to the mall. Will went to go see the new Taylor Swift movie. I said I wanted to stay,and declined thei..
A Chapter by Dior
The rest of the day I tried to busy myself, and not think about tonight. I told myself I was not going to get excited over something as little as han..