About Me
Diane is a Democrat raised in a den of Republicans, a union member and organizer who was raised in a non-union state, an activist and non-conformist who was raised by non-confrontationalists. She works full time for a liberal arts university in the midwest, where she works in Professional Education, Marketing, and Development. In Texas, Diane was a co-host with After Hours on public radio in Houston, and has been with Houston Independent School District and enjoyed her time working at The High School for Performing and Visual Arts.
When asked about herself the author says, "I am a traditionalist when it works, realist when necessary, and idealist whenever possible. The faith of my family remains: I was raised Presbyterian and am a practicing Christian. I am a serious foodie, genealogist, an avid historic conservationist, cemetery buff, and I love to garden and cook. I like suspense and mystery, and enjoy a good chiller when it's done well. I will read the backs of cereal boxes as long as they are fun to read and hold my attention. I am seriously positive and fun loving, and prone to rambling conversations and silly nonsense as well as long stretches of quiet. Smart people turn me on, and ignorant people frustrate me and wear at my patience."
Diane is currently working on several writing projects in several genres, most notable mystery/suspense, and her works include fiction, poetry, screenplays, essays and blogs and diatribes on any and every subject including the economy, religion, atheism, spiritualism, patriarchy, the dichotomy of good and evil, historic preservation, energy, environmentalism, gun control, politics, raising kids, and/or personal responsibility. She is a member of two Detroit area writers groups, and is an avid facebooker. Recently becoming the foster parent of two infant boys has brought about changes in work and attitude, and she is overwhelmed with gratitude for everyone who has assisted her family in that process. She loves to travel and to meet new people, and loves to cook and eat and spend time with friends. When her head isnt in a book, or shes not researching genealogy or writing, she can be found near water - fishing, looking for neat rocks, or daydreaming about incredibly long sentences.