This is dedicated to all those who face the Darkness day in and day out, and live to tell the tale.
The story of Devlin Kilenson, his trials, his dispair, his sorrows and joys.
A Chapter by Devlin
It is with a heavy heart that I recant this tale. I say this with the utmost certainty; I have lived a life that I do n..
A Chapter by Devlin
Chapter One: Friendship
My parents, may they rest in peace, were a match made by the God’s themselves. Dravin Kilenson wa..
The adventures of Dyorn and Lyra Andros.
A Chapter by Devlin
Kagain Blackturner, a man standing around six feet, with deep midnight blue eyes, approached Dyorn Andros, a gracious ..
A Chapter by Devlin
Chapter 1: The Journey
A year has passed since the fateful day that Lyra spilt ale on Dyorn, therefore introducing them. Dyorn ..
A Chapter by Devlin
Chapter 2: Inn of the Last Home
Finally, after five hours hard ride, they arrived at the Inn of the Last Home. Dyorn sighed and..
A Chapter by Devlin
Chapter 3: Invasion of Castlelake
Kagain grinned evilly, with Dyorn gone; Castlelake was his for the taking. He approached at n..
A Chapter by Devlin
Chapter 4: Path’s Crossed
Alora awoke and exited the guard’s chambers, using her persuasive ways, she had abstracte..