Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez


Going to Attempt a new screenplay

Phoenix, AZ
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About Me

Hello, my name is Daniel Antonio Rodriguez and I am a wannabe writer. I am 27 years old and have been actively writing for the past 12-13 years. I enjoy writing scripts and breaking out into niche genres and playing with styles. I have written a radio drama series (about 16 episodes) that I hope some day to actually produce. I also have written a novella that I am trying to get published as well as a complete screenplay.

Stuff I am currently working on
Vampire Nation: Blud Chronicles (a medieval fantasy with Japanese influences)

Angel Takeover Prequel (Code name for a Power Ranger screenplay in the style of a space opera)

The Second Dreamer (A sequel to Dreamers.)

Battle Mage (An Urban Fantasy infusing the dark nature of the Nightwatch Russian novels mixed with flawed humans and their drama.)

Engal (A guilty pleasure homage to the Japanese Tokusatsu genre with a twist)

And other projects. I welcome feedback, especially on certain projects like Battle Mage as I am aiming to get it to a publisher one day, but I want to perfect the flow and plot structure so any feedback is welcome.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey Daniel,
I gotta say, I love your work. Love the radio play, sure wish I had the station to listen too. But have yourself a happy new year.