Alexandria Leffler

Alexandria Leffler


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Grove City, OH
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About Me

I'm Alex. I enjoy writing, but I'm self-consious about it, so I don't share it with most people. Usually none at all. I mostly write poems or songs, but sometimes I write stories about death and murdering people. Sadistic s**t like that. I'm not emo, goth, punk, or any other label you can slap on me. I just enjoy being myself.

Music is really what consumes my life. Most of the time you'll probably find rants about myself on here, but never actually directed toward me. Stories where the names are changed, and the exploits are fabricated. You know, so they seem more exciting than they actually are.

I have friends who also enjoy writing. Their stuff is better than mine, so I suggest you read theirs instead.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a horrible person. I'm probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and I'll always have a smile on my face. I'm quite bubbly, as some have put it. if you would like you. I'm not going to force it upon you.
